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Welcome to the 2024-2025 SYJO auditions information page! Auditions are now closed, but please feel free to explore the information and materials available on this page. 

Auditions for the 2025-2026 SYJO will open again in the late summer / early fall.

Note: If you have any questions about the auditions process or the SYJO itself, please email SYJO Director Nick Fanner at

Scheduled SYJO auditions will take place by appointment on Thursday, September 26, 2024 through Saturday, September 28, 2024.

All those auditioning will be contacted by email to confirm their audition time, date and location as well as regarding whether or not their audition was successful in securing a spot in this season’s group.

Weekly rehearsals will begin on Saturday, October 5, at the Saskatoon Concert Band Hall, 238 Avenue V North. Demonstrated commitment to weekly rehearsals from 9:45 a.m. to noon from October 5 until the SaskTel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival in Summer 2025 is an expectation. Those with attendance problems may be asked to withdraw from the group. We’re looking for students who will demonstrate commitment to rehearsals and performances and “shedding” (practicing parts outside of rehearsal) in order to make this experience as musically rewarding as it can be.

Those auditioning for the SYJO must be between the ages of 14 and 22.

It must also be stated that while not all schools offer jazz band opportunities for students, it is an expectation that in order to be a member of the SYJO, members of this ensemble must be contributing members of their school’s jazz program, should such a program exist in their school.

In short, if you’re a strong musician with a great attitude, both groups can benefit from your participation.

Note that while there is no charge for auditioning, successful candidates will be asked to pay a registration fee of $350.00 for the full season.

Audition Requirements


Don’t let the idea of an audition scare you; we just want to hear you play and get a sense of where you’re at. To that end, the audition will involve the following:

1.) Chromatic Scale

A chromatic scale legato tongued over your playing range, ascending and descending. Pick a tempo that allows you to showcase your technique.

2.) Own Choice

Perform a prepared jazz study or one of your parts that you have performed in the past (at least 16, but no more than 32 bars in length). Try to select a passage which highlights your abilities.

3.) Required Excerpt

All players will be asked to perform the repertoire excerpt (a.k.a. part of a piece of music!) both with and without the demo recording. 

You can take a listen to/practice along with the repertoire excerpt here:

(On your computer, you can right click this link and "Save As" to download this track)

Please View/Download the Required Excerpt sheet music below, simply by clicking on the name of the instrument:

4.) Improvisation

For All Players (except drums)

Click here for the Eb version for Alto Sax & Bari Sax
Click here for the Bb version for Trumpet & Tenor Sax
Click here for the C/Concert Pitch version for Trombone, Guitar, Vibes, Piano, Bass

You can take a listen to/practice along with the improv/jam backing track here:

(On your computer, you can right click this link and "Save As" to download this track)

You may wish to solo/improvise along with this jam track using only a concert Bb blues scale OR you can use the chord sheet to show your ability to make the changes, if you are at that level in your understanding/ability.

Pianists, Guitarists, and Vibraphonists:

In addition to the above, can you create an accompaniment or “comp” for a chorus or two, demonstrating voicings for the chord symbols/progression above?


In addition to the above, can you demonstrate a chorus or two of walking bass lines over above to show your ability to create a bass line from chord symbols?


Can you perform the Basic Swing Pattern exercises found here (PDF) playing each exercise 4 times before going on to the next one without stopping? Can you do this at a medium tempo? Can you also play this at a faster/upbeat tempo? Lastly, are you able to play those same snare drum rhythms on the bass drum?

Demonstrate any/all of the following time keeping styles:  medium swing beat, up tempo swing beat, [opt. slow swing using brushes], shuffle, Bossa Nova, any other Latin style(s) with which you are familiar.

5.) Sight Reading

Finally, there will be a sight reading excerpt for all players in medium swing style.

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