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November 2, 2021

How to stream our full season of all six upcoming SJO concerts (and save a ton of money)

As you may have heard, we've teamed up with the wonderful human beings at the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra to offer SJO concerts via live streaming, so you can enjoy our big band musical stylings from the comfort of your own living room. Or bathroom. Or kitchen. Or cozy, heated garage. Or wherever you find yourself on the night of our concerts, or any time later on this season that you're struck by the hankering for a full fledged SJO concert experience at home.

There are a handful of ways to purchase streaming access to SJO concerts. We'll walk you through all your options here.

Each SJO concert on the website offers you a few options for purchasing access to a single concert. They all get you the same thing: access to watch that specific concert for 24 hours on the device or devices of your choice.

This is what the SJO's catalogue of upcoming shows looks like on the website

Here's all the ways you can get access to stream a concert

  • Streaming access starts at $19.99 per 24 hours of access to a concert.
  • You can also choose to pay a little bit extra to help directly support the SJO even more. Supporter tickets are on sale for $35 and $50. You still get access to stream the concert for 24 hours. You're just contributing a little bit more to the cause (and we appreciate it an awful lot).
  • You can also buy a Streaming Subscription for $74.99 which gets you access to stream all six of this season's SJO concerts.

If you were planning on streaming more than three SJO concerts this season then the subscription package is far and away the best deal going. If you purchase a Streaming Subscription package instead of buying all six concerts individually, you'll save a little bit over $40. That's pretty good!

Find the Streaming Subscription option below the regular single concert purchase options on the "choose offer" page on

To find and purchase a Streaming Subscription package, head over to the streaming options page for Back In The Swing Of Things and look at the bottom of the list. Alternatively, you can just click this button right here:

You don't have to commit to a whole season's worth of streams right now. You can stick to a $19.99 24 hour ticket to our first concert on November 13th and see how it all works.

We're really excited to be able to offer our concerts via live stream this season. We know it's something that a lot of our audience needs to be able to connect with us and feel comfortable, and we're working extremely hard to make sure everything goes off without a hitch.

We'll see you for our first stream on November 13th, jazz fans!

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